Educational Values of Sport

Five educational values have been worked out in a way that seems relevant for educational purposes. They Incorporate the three domains of learning: Cognitive (intellectual), Affective, (Social/Emotional) and Kinesthetic (Physical).

Joy of effort

Young people develop and practice physical behaviour and intellectual skills by challenging themselves and each other in physical activities, movement, games and sports.

Fair play

Fair play is a sports concept but it is applied worldwide today in many different ways. Learning fairplay behaviour in the community as a way of life.

Respect for each others

When young people who live in a multicultural world learn to accept and respect diversity and practice personal peaceful behaviour. They promote peace and international understanding.

Pursuit of excellence

A focus on excellence can help young people to make positive, healthy choices and strive to become the best that they can be in whatever they do.

Balance between Body, Mind and Will

Learning takes place in the whole body, not just in the mind, and physical literacy and learning through movement contributes to the development of both moral and intellectual learning. Through their learning in health and physical education, students will develop a positive and responsible attitude to their own physical , mental and emotional, social and spritual well being..respect for the rights of other and concern for other people in their community and for the environment...(And) a sense of social justice.